Secure your browsing with a VPN

Hide your IP Address

‣ From sites and corporations tracking you for advertising, marketing, geo-blocking, ... and sometimes leaking the data or ignoring regulations.

‣ From attackers collecting leaked data or harvesting IP addresses on P2P networks to stalk or extort you.

through a Secure Tunnel to the Internet

‣ Defend against eavesdropping & tampering, from compromised WiFi access points to intrusive corporate monitoring and Deep Packet Inspection.

‣ Avoid network limitations (IPv6 unavailable, bad peering, misconfigured firewalls, ...) and circumvent interception attempts (lying DNS, DNS blocking, ...)

CCrypto VPN is a simple solution for only 3€/month

  • Access to fast & secure servers around the world with no data cap.
  • Powered by OpenVPN or WireGuard, freely available on Windows, Linux, macOS, Android, iOS, and many more.
  • With the best encryption available, IPv4 & IPv6, private DNS resolvers, and DDoS protection.
  • Subscribe with PayPal, credit card, or any of 40+ cryptocurrencies

CCrypto is a non-profit organization.
As such, we pledge that we will never sell your personal information, exploit your trust or data, or get acquired by a company without such boundaries. Your payments will go exclusively towards funding our services and staff, or to other non-profits.

more on our infrastructure